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BPI Training: Music Rights Inside & Out 2 – How Music Licensing Works - CMU

BPI Training: Music Rights Inside & Out 2 – How Music Licensing Works - CMU

London, UK
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London, UK
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PLEASE NOTE THIS EVENT IS FOR BPI MEMBERS ONLY This session will be held as a livestreamed webinar. You will be sent a link shortly before the session starts.   MUSIC RIGHTS INSIDE & OUT 2 – HOW MUSIC LICENSING WORKS This webinar looks at how copyright makes money and, in particular, how the music industry goes about generating income by licensing third parties that wish make use of songs and recordings. It also explains the difference between direct and collective licensing. Topics covered include:   • Copyright controls and how they make money. • Direct v third party v collective licensing. • The role of PPL on the recordings side. • The role of PRS and MCPS on the songs side. • Where copyright exceptions and fair use apply. This session is run by CMU's Chris Cooke.