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BPI Training - Google Ads For YouTube / Digital Presence Mastery

BPI Training - Google Ads For YouTube / Digital Presence Mastery

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PLEASE NOTE THIS RESOURCE IS FOR BPI MEMBERS ONLY. You will receive an email with enrolment details at 10am on the listed start date. Google Ads For YouTube / Digital Presence Mastery sessions comprises of the following two modules:   Google Ads For YouTube  In this course from Music Ally, you will learn how to advertise effectively on YouTube through Google Ads. From account setup and audience and campaign creation, to analysing results, this course will help you to drive discovery, awareness and views on YouTube. We will help you to understand best practices for creating ad content and which types of ads drive the best results on the platform. By gaining an understanding of the performance reports offered by Google Ads, you will be able to run more effective and cost-efficient campaigns on YouTube. Digital Presence Mastery Cross-platform, creative artist marketing can be expensive but unfortunately budgets are often limited and need to ensure maximum bang for the buck. In our ‘Music Marketing On A Budget' course we discuss building an artist marketing campaign with little to no budget, with a focus on tools, strategies and examples across key elements that form a music marketing campaign: Direct-to-Fan, Content & Product Creation, Promotion & Digital Advertising and Fan Engagement & Storytelling. PLEASE NOTE: These sessions are delivered as part of Music Ally's Learning Hub. This means that Music Ally will be offering access to bundles of 2 modules on their Learning Hub, for a week. This will allow you to: Go through the course at your own pace The video training is accompanied by slides and additional reading materials You will get a quiz to help you test your knowledge! We hope you enjoy them!   T&Cs: Spaces for these modules are very limited – as they normally cost $99 to purchase individually (or $198 for a bundle). Please be respectful of this and make sure you go through the modules if you sign up for them. If not, we reserve the right to restrict your access to other learning hub courses, in order to give other people the opportunity to access these resources. Please be aware that the learning platform has piracy tracking in place: the videos and slides are just for the viewing of those registered to that module and not for wider broadcast or sharing. Please respect the copyright of Music Ally.